Phaseshifter Mural
Phase Shifter Mural (detail)
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 1
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 2
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 3
Phaseshifter Mural
Phaseshifter Mural

2024, acrylic, 9 ft x 7 ft. Located inside Phaseshifter Records, 198 Water Street, Benton Harbor, MI.

If you plug your head into a phase shifter pedal, this is what happens.

Phase Shifter Mural (detail)
Phase Shifter Mural (detail)

2024, acrylic, 9 ft x 7 ft.

How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 1
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 1

2020, colored pencil on paper, 22 x 28 in.

This three-part drawing commission illustrates the Ojibwe legend, “How Bear Lost His Tail,” as it was told at the 2019 Edinburgh Storytelling Festival.

How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 2
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 2

colored pencil on paper, 22 x 28 in.

How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 3
How Bear Lost His Tail Pt. 3

colored pencil on paper, 22 x 28 in.